field recordings of mind in morning | poems: hank lazer music: holland hopson


In Lazer, we find a poetic soul patient as a rice counter, vigilant as a firefighter, and visionary as a prophet. —Yunte Huang on COVID19 SUTRAS

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In Lazer, we find a poetic soul patient as a rice counter, vigilant as a firefighter, and visionary as a prophet. —Yunte Huang on COVID19 SUTRAS

In Lazer, we find a poetic soul patient as a rice counter, vigilant as a firefighter, and visionary as a prophet. —Yunte Huang on COVID19 SUTRAS

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field recordings of mind in morning
poems: hank lazer music: holland hopson


Praise for Hank Lazer’s books of poetry

“Philosophical notations, lyric utterances, journal entries, and aphoristic gleanings are set in a holographic space of the imaginary’s shapes. Human readers, hearken to these calls as they echo into silence.”
—Charles Bernstein on N18 (complete)

A seeker and an improviser and in the thrall of jazz… Here you see a great faith in the unfolding of open-endedness.
—Fanny Howe on N18 (complete)

These apt, reductive verses keep a locus of faith with skill and moving commitment.
—Robert Creeley on As It Is

Lazer is by now a master of such turn / (re)turns, such movements of sight & sound, & The New Spirit – both as book & quest – adds to the growing array of his books, his intelligence, that calls for our attention.
—Jerome Rothenberg on The New Spirit

. . . this is a book filled with joy. The works are marked as well by reverence… The days of Hank Lazer’s Days shake up the lyrics in which they are inscribed.
—Lyn Hejinian on Days

It would not surprise me if decades from now contemplatives are using this text for spiritual exercise. It is that wondrously open-ended and inexhaustible.
—Norman Fischer on Thinking in Jewish

… precise, all encompassing, emotionally and intellectual, and forged in a state of continuous spirituality and in its precision and risk of expression and vision a book that conveys the true presence of the poet.
—José Kozer on Thinking in Jewish

I’m grateful for the way [Lazer] documents this complicated and perilous moment.
—Rae Armantrout on COVID19 SUTRAS

COVID19 SUTRAS is profound and magical, and to say that these poems are wise and humane is a radical understatement, like saying water is helpful to life.
—Joseph Lease on COVID19 SUTRAS

. . . returns the soul and its song to their highest aspiration.
—Harryette Mullen on The New Spirit

. . . a comprehensive examination by a poet who has explored the breadth of contemporary poetics as fully as anyone writing in English today.
—Bill Lavender on Elegies & Vacations

In Lazer, we find a poetic soul patient as a rice counter, vigilant as a firefighter, and visionary as a prophet.
—Yunte Huang on COVID19 SUTRAS

Lazer’s is a bravura performance.
—Marjorie Perloff on 3 of 10

Lazer’s writing re-turns to unsettle American cultural inheritance; our departures, abandonments, brushes with still life, holes in history.
—Susan Howe on Doublespace: Poems 1971-1989

Doublespace is a noble attempt to bridge the chasm between Language poetry and the traditional anecdotal and meditative poetry of the “free form” mode.
—David Ignatow on Doublespace: Poems 1971-1989

Holland Hopson is a sound and media artist, composer and improviser. A multi-instrumentalist, he usually performs on clawhammer banjo and electronics. Holland often augments his instruments with custom-designed sensor interfaces and performs with his own highly responsive, interactive computer programs. Holland has performed in Australia, Europe and North America with notable experimental and outsider musicians. Holland is Assistant Professor of Arts Entrepreneurship in New College at the University of Alabama and a Fellow of the Collaborative Arts Research Initiative (CARI).

Hank Lazer has published thirty-two books of poetry, including COVID19 SUTRAS (2020), Slowly Becoming Awake (N32), (2019), Poems That Look Just Like Poems (in English and in French, 2019), Brush Mind: Second Hand (2018), Evidence of Being Here: Beginning in Havana (N27), (2018), & Thinking in Jewish (N20) (2017). Lazer has performed jazz-poetry improvisations in the US and Cuba with musicians Davey Williams, Omar Pérez, Andrew Raffo Dewar, Holland Hopson, and others. Readings & interviews are available through PennSound, as well as in special issues of Plume #34, Talisman #42, and spacecraft #10. In 2015, Lazer received Alabama’s most prestigious literary prize, the Harper Lee Award, for lifetime achievement in literature. For more information:

Book Information:

· Paperback: 128 pages
· Binding: Perfect-Bound
· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]
· ISBN: 978-1-60964-378-2