Help Support BlazeVOX
Your Generous Donation Can Help Support BlazeVOX. Donate Today
Our Story
It is incredible to think BlazeVOX has been online for twenty-four years. We started off as a tiny startup project at a small college outside of Buffalo, and over the past two decades, we have created a vibrant, versatile channel for literary and cultural conversations across the world.
To all the members of the literary community for whom this journal speaks, I am honored by the support of such a remarkable group of people. I look forward to continuing these relationships for many years to come. To the writers who have submitted to us over the years, thank you for always looking for a way to make literature new, bold, and exciting.
It is been our honor and pleasure to read your writing, publish your work, and be a part of your reading life. I am pleased to let you know that the spirit and drive of the previous twenty years will continue to live on and thrive for another twenty, at least.
BlazeVOX continues to expand its programs and offerings to the literary world. We have published over 700 books and thousands of authors on our online journal. I am very proud of what all of these Friends of BlazeVOX have accomplished, yet we couldn't possibly have arrived here without you, our readers and supporters.
Donate to BlazeVOX Press and support our core mission—to create conversations between readers, writers, and artists. When you support BlazeVOX, you help to ensure:
• The publication of decidedly non-commercial books of poetry, prose, and select non-fiction and literary criticism;
• Innovative programming and events, such as our forthcoming Zoom BlazeVOX Poetry series;
• A brand new website that will ensure that all 23 years of BlazeVOX materials will be assessable and easy to use for the foreseeable future.
• BlazeVOX an online journal of voice— a biannual online journal featuring poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction.
• BlazeVOX champions otherness, weirdness, challenging norms, radical inclusion, and the power of creativity to change the world.
In all of our programs and publications, BlazeVOX strives to activate the role of language and literature in daily life. Our books and programs are intended to delight readers and viewers, while also stimulating questions and possibilities about the role of literature and art in society, and the culture of literature and art. As a small and efficient organization, BlazeVOX treats dollars like words: we make them do a lot of work.
We ask that you make a commitment to support our annual appeal by making a cash donation. This year our goal is $10,000, and we hope that you will be able to make a contribution. Your generosity will make a difference in our community by allowing us to continue in our work. Remember that every donation makes a difference, regardless of size.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Sincerely, Geoffrey Gatza
Editor & Publisher \\ BlazeVOX [ books ]
BlazeVOX is working towards getting its 501c3 organization status and as a registered nonprofit corporation in the state of New York. Please help us achieve that goal for us to prosper in the future.