Chiaroscuros (Volume VIII, The Grammaton Series) by Irene Koronas


Koronas makes me see words that aren’t there. Her gnōstos is mantic, and her Sophia—the liquid crystal wombed God—inseminates with ink, strumous as an ethotic alley (i.e., a post-bodied diachronic polysemic strangulation). gnōstos is our proleptic apocalypse; “the last Oedipus/licks his gonads.” —Tom Prime

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Koronas makes me see words that aren’t there. Her gnōstos is mantic, and her Sophia—the liquid crystal wombed God—inseminates with ink, strumous as an ethotic alley (i.e., a post-bodied diachronic polysemic strangulation). gnōstos is our proleptic apocalypse; “the last Oedipus/licks his gonads.” —Tom Prime

Koronas makes me see words that aren’t there. Her gnōstos is mantic, and her Sophia—the liquid crystal wombed God—inseminates with ink, strumous as an ethotic alley (i.e., a post-bodied diachronic polysemic strangulation). gnōstos is our proleptic apocalypse; “the last Oedipus/licks his gonads.” —Tom Prime

In Praise of Irene Koronas’ The Grammaton Series


(chiaroscuros, Volume VIII, gnōstos, Volume VII, siphonic, Volume VI, lithic cornea, Volume V, holyrit, Volume IV,declivities, Volume III, ninth iota, Volume II, Codify, Volume I)


Siphoning from a trajectory of experimental literature, critical theory and the history of an avant-garde poiesis from pataphysics to algorithmics and beyond, The Grammaton Series is a new hyperminimalist écriture, melding its aporias with a mix of staccato posthumanism, cryptophorics and pataquerics. The Koronas grammaton in The Grammaton Series is fashioned from a panerotism melding parapoesis and metapseudepigrapha encoded within the hyperlinks of a retromanic pleroma and a feminine clinamen. Irene Koronas’ The Grammaton Series jubilates over resurrectio, rego, altered to subrigo, above surrexi, then syphoned from surrectum in the perfect amalgam of anastasis and postmemoirica. It is an agonic triumph of misprisionary genius, a metaleptic myth of reincarnation in an Einstein-Rosen Bridge as an antithetical subphylum launching its egg, planula larva, polyp and tryst autoaffect. The Grammaton Series is as rapturistic as it is daemonic. Dexterity, agility, finesse and a high, serious hilarity unleash stanzaic androids and gynoids so innovative in their multiplicity as to secrete glossolalia from postdata holy writ, incubating the grand poesis for the 21st century.   


—Daniel Y. Harris


In Praise of Irene Koronas’ gnōstos, Volume VII, The Grammaton Series


Koronas makes me see words that aren’t there. Her gnōstos is mantic, and her Sophia—the liquid crystal wombed God—inseminates with ink, strumous as an ethotic alley (i.e., a post-bodied diachronic polysemic strangulation). gnōstos is our proleptic apocalypse; “the last Oedipus/licks his gonads.”


—Tom Prime




Irene Koronas’ internationally acclaimed The Grammaton Series includes chiaroscuros, Volume VIII, BlazeVOX, 2024), gnōstos, Volume VII, BlazeVOX, 2023), siphonic, Volume VI (BlazeVOX, 2022), lithic cornea, Volume V (BlazeVOX, 2021), holyrit, Volume IV (BlazeVOX, 2019), declivities, Volume III, (BlazeVOX, 2018), ninth iota, Volume II (The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2018) and Codify, Volume I  (Éditions du Cygne, 2017).


Her collections include Turtle Grass  (Muddy River Books, 2014), Emily Dickinson (Propaganda Press, 2010), Pentakomo Cyprus (Červená Press, 2009) and Self Portrait Drawn From Many (Ibbetson Street Press, 2007).


Her collaboratives include heshe egregore (with Daniel Y. Harris, Éditions du Cygne, 2016), 


Excerpts from The Grammaton Series as well as from her separate collections and collaborations has been published inAlligatorzine, Argotist Online Poetry, BlazeVOX, The Boston Globe, Buzdokuz, Cambridge Chronicles, Die Leere Mitte, D.O.R, E·ratio, Esthesis, Graphic Violence, Hyper-Annotation, Indefinite Space, International Exhibition of Surrealism, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, M58, Marsh Hawk Press Review, New Mystics, Offcourse Literary Journal, Otoliths, perspektive, #Ranger, A Shanghai Poetry Zine, slowforward, SPAMzine, Spreadhead, Stride, Sulfur Surrealist Jungle, Synchronized Chaos, Taos Journal of International Poetry & Art, Utsanga, Version (9) Magazine, Word For/Word  andXenopoem. She is the Publisher of Var(2x). Her website is


Book Information:


· Paperback: 126 pages

· Binding: Perfect-Bound

· Publisher: BlazeVOX [books]

· ISBN: 978-1-60964-485-7

